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Verification of Asset Declarations: Georgia’s Experience

It is for the first time in four years that Georgia has formed a commission to select candidates to verify asset declarations.

The Commission is a part of the Anti-Corruption Bureau established in accordance with Law of 17 October 1997 No. 982 “On the Fight against Corruption” (კორუფციის წინააღმდეგ ბრძოლის შესახებ).

The main objective of the Commission consists in compiling the list of positions of public officials whose asset declarations will be subject to verification in terms of completeness and accuracy of the information disclosed. This monitoring is a part of the overall system of verification of declarations in Georgia that includes:

1) Random verification of 5% of declarations submitted by officials in a single electronic system;

2) Verification of 5% of declarations of officials selected by an independent public commission;

3) Verification of declarations at the receipt of evidence-based written notifications with regard to certain officials.

The composition of the Commission must be renewed annually at the initiative of representatives of not-for-profit organisations (three persons) and academia (two persons) who seek to participate in it. However, gathered for the first time in late 2018, the Commission did not undertake its activities for the subsequent four years due to the lack of the necessary number of candidates. As a result, the annual verification procedures in that period covered only a half of the number of declarations required by the law (i.e. random verification of 5% of declarations). What is more, Transparency International – Georgia (TI-Georgia) stresses that incomplete or inaccurate information on assets was reported in more than every second declaration (56%) submitted last year.

This time, TI-Georgia engaged in the formation of the Commission. As a result, last December the Commission to select the declarations to be verified in the 2024 declaration campaign was finally formed. The Commission will have as its members, in particular, the representatives of:

The Commission has selected to verify 300 declarations in 2024, including those submitted by:

  • The Prime-Minister;
  • The Chairman of the ruling Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia Party (ქართული ოცნებადემოკრატიული საქართველო);
  • Members of the Cabinet of Ministers and their deputies;
  • Members of Parliament;
  • Mayor of Tbilisi;
  • Office-holders in:
  1. The High Council of Justice of Georgia (საქართველოს იუსტიციის უმაღლესი საბჭო);
  2. General and constitutional courts;
  3. The Communications Commission of Georgia (კომუნიკაციების კომისია);
  4. The Central Election Commission of Georgia (საქართველოს ცენტრალური საარჩევნო კომისია);
  5. The Georgian Post (საქართველოს ფოსტა);
  6. The Georgian Railway transportation company (საქართველოს რკინიგზა);
  7. The Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation (საქართველოს ნავთობისა და გაზის კორპორაცია);
  8. The Electricity Market Operator (ელექტროენერგეტიკული ბაზრის ოპერატორი);
  9. The Development Fund of Georgia (საქართველოს განვითარების ფონდი);
  10. The National Bank of Georgia (საქართველოს ეროვნული ბანკი);
  11. The Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia (საქართველოს პროკურატურა);
  12. The State Audit Office of Georgia (სახელმწიფო აუდიტის სამსახური);
  13. The State Security Service of Georgia (საქართველოს სახელმწიფო უსაფრთხოების სამსახური);
  14. The State Procurement Agency (სახელმწიფო შესყიდვების სააგენტო);
  15. The Pension Agency (საპენსიო სააგენტო);
  16. The National Forestry Agency of Georgia (ეროვნული სატყეო სააგენტო);
  17. The Revenue Service (შემოსავლების სამსახური).

The monitoring of declarations will be conducted by the Anti-Corruption Bureau by:

  • Verifying the accuracy of the data submitted in declarations, including by comparing them with the information contained in public databases;
  • Analysing the supporting documents provided by officials at the request of the Anti-Corruption Bureau within the verification of their declarations.
Asset disclosure
Anti-corruption authorities
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