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Georgia to Have an Anti-Corruption Body

An Anti-Corruption Bureau (ანტიკორუფციული ბიურო), hereinafter referred to as the Bureau, has been established in Georgia.

The activities of the agency are regulated by updated Law of 17 October 1997 No. 982 “On the Fight against Corruption” (კორუფციის წინააღმდეგ ბრძოლის შესახებ).

The Bureau is an autonomous body that is not functionally dependent on the national Government and that will be overseen by Georgia’s Parliament (საქართველოს პარლამენტი) and the Interagency Anti-Corruption Council (hereinafter, the Council) established by the Law.

The Bureau will fulfill the following functions:

  • Provide suggestions concerning the definition of the general anti-corruption policy and submit them to Georgia’s Parliament, draft a National Anti-Corruption Strategy of Georgia (hereinafter, the Strategy) and its Implementation Action Plan (hereinafter, the Plan) and submit them to the attention of the Government (საქართველოს მთავრობა);
  • Coordinate the bodies, organisations and officials responsible for decision making in the fight against corruption, and oversee the implementation of respective measures;
  • Elaborate recommendations on how to implement the document defining the general anti-corruption policy, the Strategy and the Plan;
  • Make suggestions on how to prevent, detect and manage conflicts of interest in public bodies and improve the effectiveness of protection of whistleblowers;
  • Collect, control the fulfillment and submission of declarations of property status of officials, store, monitor and publish them;
  • Compile and submit the Register of officials obliged to file declarations, as well as changes and additions to be incorporated in the Register to the Government of Georgia for adoption;
  • Collect, store and process reports of civil servants on the gifts accepted the value of which exceeds the admissible threshold and/or that could not have been declined for certain reasons (received by post, given publicly);
  • Collect the notifications of public officials on the undue advantages offered to them;
  • Monitor financial activities of political parties, voter initiative groups, candidates for membership in public representative bodies, positions in public bodies and elective offices;
  • Create and administer an online-portal to disclose offences;
  • Scrutinise and analyse international standards and good practices in the fight against corruption;
  • Raise public awareness about the fight against corruption also by implementing educational initiatives;
  • Submit reports on the activities of the Bureau to Georgia’s Parliament annually, at its initiative or at the request of the Council.

The head of the agency (the Bureau Chief) will be appointed by the Prime Minister following a competitive selection procedure for a six-year term. The employees of the Bureau, in turn, will be appointed by the Chief.

Anti-corruption authorities
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