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A Spanish-Language Online Platform for Whistleblowers Launched

Chile has launched the first information online platform for whistleblowers in the Spanish language.

The platform is hosted by the School of Law of the University of Chile with the support of the Government Accountability Project (GAP) and the Whistleblower International Network with the aim to promote reporting of offences in Chile and in the Ibero-American countries as a whole.

The platform provides access to:

  • A database of case law of supreme Chilean courts and statutes on whistleblowing: the description of cases contains information on the final court decision, its basis, summary of significant facts and legal collisions (if applicable);
  • A list of high-profile scandals unveiled by whistleblowers in Chile and other countries (for example, Edward Snowden’s case);
  • Relevant legal acts of Chile and a number of foreign countries, in particular:
  1. Chilean Law of 21 August 2023 No. 21.592 “On Protection of Whistleblowers” (Ley 21.592 de 21 agosto 2023, Establece un Estatuto de Protección en Favor del Denunciante);
  2. Chilean Law of 23 September 2022 No. 21.480 “On Expanding the Scope of Protection of Members of the Armed Forces Reporting Infringements of Professional Discipline and Other Offences” (Ley 21.480 de 23 septiembre 2022, Extiende la Esfera de Protección a Personal de Fuerzas Armadas Frente a Denuncia por Faltas a la Probidad y Otros Delitos);
  3. Chilean Law of 24 July 2007 No. 20.205 “On Protection of Officials Reporting Offences in Good Faith” (Ley 20.205 de 24 julio 2007, Protege al Funcionario que Denuncia Irregularidades y Faltas al Principio de Probidad);
  4. Chilean Law of 13 April 2021 No. 21.314 “On Establishing New Requirements to Transparency and Increasing Responsibility of Agents of Markets, Regulation of Consulting Services on Pensions and other Amendments” (Ley 21.314 de 13 abril 2021, Establece Nuevas Exigencias de Transparencia y Refuerza las Responsabilidades de los Agentes de los Mercados, Regula la Asesoría Previsional, y Otras Materias que Indica);
  5. Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law;
  6. Spanish Law of 20 February 2023 No. 2/2023 “On Protection of Reporting Persons and the Fight against Corruption” (Ley 2/2023, de 20 de febrero, reguladora de la protección de las personas que informen sobre infracciones normativas y de lucha contra la corrupción);
  • Guides on whistleblowing and interaction with and protection of reporting persons;
  • A blog with publications on relevant topics.
Corruption whistleblowers
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