Criminal Code: Articles 335, 363, 372-374-B, 376-377-A, 379, 382
(Codigo Penal 2003: Artigos 335, 363, 372-374-B, 376-377-A, 379, 382), (Portuguese);
Law of July 16, 1987 «Misconduct of Persons Occupying Most Senior Government Positions»
(Lei n.º 34/87, de 16 de Julho Crimes da Responsabilidade de Titulares de Cargos Políticos), (Portuguese);
Law of April 21, 2008 No. 19 «On Measures against Corruption»
(Lei n.º 19/2008, de 21 de Abril Medidas de Combate à Corrupção), (Portuguese);
Law of April 21, 2008 No. 20 «On Criminal Liability for Corruption Crimes in International Trade and in the Private Sector»
(Lei n.º 20/2008, de 21 de Abril Novo regime penal de corrupção no comércio internacional e no sector privado), (Portuguese);
Law No. 52 of July 31, 2019 «On the Adoption of the Rules Regulating the Exercise of Functions by the Individuals Holding Political Positions and High Public Positions»
(Lei n.º 52/2019, de 31 de Julho Aprova o regime do exercício de funções por titulares de cargos políticos e altos cargos públicos), (Portuguese);
Decree Law No. 109-E/2021 of December 9, 2021 «On the Establishment of a National Anti-Corruption Committee and the Establishment of a General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption»
(Decreto-Lei n.º 109-E/2021, de 9 de Dezembro Mecanismo Nacional Anticorrupção e estabelece o regime geral de prevenção da corrupção), (Portuguese);
Law No. 93/2021 of December 20, 2021 «On the Establishment of a General Protection Regime for Whistleblowers»
(Lei n.º 93/2021, de 20 de Dezembro Estabelece o regime geral de proteção de denunciantes de infrações), (Portuguese).
1. Criminal Code: Articles 145-148, 149-152, 158, 170, 172bis, 173bis, 185bis
(Codigo Penal: Artículos 145-148, 149-152, 158, 170, 172bis, 173bis, 185bis), (Spanish);
2. Law on Government Administration and Control
(Ley No. 1178, de Administración y Control Gubernamentales), (Spanish);
3. Law on Civil Servants: Articles 8-15, 53-55
(Estatuto Del Funcionario Público: Artículos 8-15, 53-55), (Spanish);
4. Law on the Fight against Corruption, Illicit Enrichment and Criminal Investigation
(Ley de Lucha Contra la Corrupción, Enriquecimiento Ilícito e Investigación de Fortunas), (Spanish);
5. Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers and Witnesses
(Ley de Protección de Denunciantes y Testigos), (Spanish);
6. Law on Transparency and Anti-Corruption Units
(Ley de Unidades de Transparencia y Lucha Contra la Corrupción), (Spanish);
7. Law on Reinforcing the Fight against Corruption
(Ley de Fortalecimiento Para la Lucha Contra la Corrupción), (Spanish);
8. Presidential Decree on the Control of Asset Declarations in Public Entities
(Decreto Supremo No. 1233 Reglamento de Control de la Declaración Jurada de Bienes y Rentas en las Entidades Públicas), (Spanish).
Council for the Prevention of Corruption
(Conselho de Prevenção da Corrupção), (Portuguese);
National Anti-Corruption Mechanism
(Mecanismo Nacional Anticorrupção), (Portuguese);
National Anti-Corruption Judicial Police Unit
(Unidade Nacional de Combate à Corrupção da Polícia Judiciária), (Portuguese).
1. Ministry of Justice and Institutional Transparency
(Ministerio de Justicia y Transparencia Institucional), (Spanish);
2. State Prosecutor's Office (site created but currently unavailable)
(Fiscalía General del Estado), (Spanish);
3. General Comptroller
(Contraloría General del Estado Bolivia), (Spanish);
4. National Council for the Fight against Corruption, Illicit Enrichment and the Laundering of Illicit Gains
(Consejo Nacional de Lucha Contra la Corrupción, Enriquecimiento Ilícito y Legitimación de Ganancias Ilícitas), (Spanish).