1. Penal Code: Articles 358, 418, 439-444 (unofficial source)
(Código Penal: Artículos 358, 418, 439-444), (Spanish);
2. Law on Civil Service: Articles 64-66, 74
(Ley de Servicio Civil: Artículos 64-66, 74), (Spanish);
3. Law on Probity and Responsibilities of Public Officials and Civil Servants (unofficial source)
(Ley De Probidad Y Responsabilidades De Funcionarios Y Empleados Publicos), (Spanish);
4. Law against Corruption (unofficial source)
(Ley Contra la Corrupción), (Spanish).
18 US Code: Chapter 11 - Bribery, Graft, and Conflicts of Interest, (English);
18 US Code: Chapter 31 – Embezzlement and theft, Section 666 – Theft or bribery concerning programs receiving Federal funds, (English);
5 US Code Appendix: Ethics in Government Act of 1978, (English);
5 Code of Federal Regulations: Chapter XVI – Office of Government Ethics, (English);
15 US Code, Anti-Bribery and Books and Records Provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, (English);
18 US Сode: Chapter 96 - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations, (English);
Section 5101 - Prohibition of Demand for Bribe, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024, (English).
1. National Anti-Corruption Commission
(Comisión Nacional contra la Corrupción), (Spanish);
2. Public Prosecutor's Office (site created but currently unavailable)
(Ministerio Público), (Spanish);
3. Special Prosecutor's Office against Impunity
(Fiscalía Especial contra la Impunidad), (Spanish).