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Vietnam Adopts an Anti-Corruption Strategy

Vietnam has adopted the National Strategy to Combat Corruption and Its Consequences until 2030 (Chiến lược quốc gia phòng, chống tham nhũng, tiêu cực đến năm 2030, hereinafter, the Strategy).

The Strategy is issued to systematize and improve the existing mechanisms to counter corruption crimes and eliminate their consequences, as well as to promote the principles of integrity and maintain political stability and socio-economic development of the country.

The document covers anti-corruption measures that span across five key areas:

1. Public regulation

The goal of this line of action is to improve the policy and legal basis regulating anti-corruption standards and the mechanisms that control compliance with the latter, as well as to increase penalties for their infringement.

To achieve this goal, the Strategy sets such objectives as:

  • Explore, also through the analysis of audit procedures, investigations and court proceedings, the loopholes in legal acts that provide opportunities to commit corruption offences, and make the amendments minimizing these opportunities; in this context, pay particular attention to the following areas particularly vulnerable to corruption:
  1. Human resources management;
  2. Financial management, including allocation of public funds;
  3. Management of public assets, including investments of public bodies and organisations;
  4. Investment sphere;
  5. Construction;
  6. Procurement;
  7. Use of land and natural resources, including mineral extraction;
  8. Banking sector;
  9. Taxation;
  10. Customs affairs and the like.
  • Improve the process of drafting and adopting of legislation, in particular, by ensuring its openness and accountability;
  • Establish clear requirements for public bodies and organisations of the public and private sectors and their officials with regard to the adoption of anti-corruption measures;
  • Clarify and tighten liability of officials for the failure to adopt sufficient measures to prevent and detect corruption offences in public bodies, public or private sector organisations;
  • Draft and adopt a legal act regulating the procedure for recovering proceeds of corruption crimes.

2. Civil service

The second line of action of the Strategy implies enhanced effectiveness of performance of public bodies, including law enforcement.

To this end, the document suggests achieving the following objectives:

  • Revisit the principles of public administration, in particular, by focusing on decentralization of functions at each government level, as well as on clear and reasonable distribution of powers with the aim to increase transparency, and undertake control (oversight) measures to track the effectiveness of administration;
  • Recruit only the persons whose professionalism, qualification and ethical values are in line with their professional duties;
  • Develop and implement the mechanisms of encouragement and protection of officials promoting progressive innovations also in anti-corruption;
  • Enhance effectiveness of performance of law enforcement bodies through strict control of the functioning of public bodies, in particular, of conflict-of-interest management and bona fide declaration of assets by public officials;
  • Ensure appropriate income for public officials, including those responsible for countering corruption;
  • Enhance control (oversight) of activities of public officials and public bodies and organisations funded by the state budget;
  • Suspend the officials found to have infringed the restrictions, prohibitions and obligations applied to them from their duties;
  • Enhance transparency of operation of public bodies also by crating e-government and using other advanced technologies.

3. Corruption prevention

Yet another goal of the Strategy is to strengthen preventive measures, in particular, to step up the efficiency of different control (oversight) measures – inspections, audits and the like, as well as to increase effectiveness of investigations, court proceedings and enforcement of court decisions with regard to corruption offences.

Under this line of action, the document sets the following objectives:

  • Support public bodies authorised to exercise control (oversight) functions, conduct investigations, prosecute and enforce court decisions;
  • Enhance accountability of the bodies (divisions) responsible for countering corruption;
  • Ensure sufficient funding of bodies (divisions) responsible for countering corruption;
  • Organise educational initiatives and training of officials responsible for countering corruption;
  • Establish and actively use the public database containing information from declarations of officials;
  • Introduce advanced technologies in public bodies authorised to exercise control (oversight) functions, conduct investigations, prosecute and enforce court decisions;
  • Promote cooperation between law enforcement, judicial, prosecutorial, audit and other public bodies whose functions imply the detection of and fight against corruption.

4. Anti-corruption awareness-raising

The fourth line of action of the Strategy sets the goal to raise public awareness about the ways to counter corruption and the need to actively engage in relevant activities.

To this end, the Strategy formulates the following objectives:

  • Address anti-corruption issues in the framework of specialised training, including professional training programmes for public officials;
  • Create conditions for an active and proactive participation of the population in the activities aimed at preventing and combating corruption and its consequences also by establishing the channels for reporting corruption offences and protecting whistleblowers;
  • Provide the media with precise information on the outcome of anti-corruption measures adopted and on the use of best practices in the prevention of and fight against corruption in a timely manner;
  • Enhance the role of society, including civil society organisations, business and academia, professional associations, investigative journalists and other stakeholders in the development and implementation of the anti-corruption policy and laws;
  • Promote the culture of integrity in the private sector organisations.

5. International cooperation

The goal of the last line of action identified by the Strategy consists in strengthening international anti-corruption cooperation in line with the obligations deriving from the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

To this end, the document includes, inter alia, the following objectives:

  • Ensure coordination of action, exchange of information and adoption of preventive measures in international anti-corruption cooperation also in asset recovery and arrest of individuals accused of corruption;
  • Implement relevant anti-corruption best practices in domestic legislation;
  • Promote technical assistance and training of anti-corruption officers in cooperation with other countries and international organisations.
Conflict of interest
Corruption whistleblowers
Asset disclosure
Education and enlightenment
Asset recovery
Civil society
International cooperation
Anti-corruption authorities
Standards of conduct
Anti-corruption policies and strategies
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