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UNODC Launches G20 Anti-Corruption Webpage

A separate page of the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) has been launched on the website of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). 

The ACWG was established by a decision of the G20 summit in Toronto in 2010. Its main objective is to develop and ensure the implementation of the G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan, updated every two or three years. 

In addition, the ACWG experts provide their input on anti-corruption to the annual G20 leaders’ declaration and draft documents on anti-corruption issues which are subsequently endorsed by the leaders (primarily, in the form of high level principles). Besides that, the ACWG also prepares reports on the output of its activities, anti-corruption measures adopted by the G20 countries and other analytical deliverables.

The ACWG also cooperates with other competent international organisations, including the United Nations (UN), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

The Group gathers three times a year under the presidency of each G20 country.

Previously, the ACWG deliverables were published along with other documents adopted within other G20 work streams on ad hoc websites created every year by the country holding the G20 presidency. As a consequence, the information about the ACWG activities was fragmented and its documents were not easily accessible, as often the relevant websites did not function properly after the summits had concluded.

The creation of a thematic section focused in the ACWG activities on the UNODC website addresses this problem and ensures the publication of all documents related to the G20 anti-corruption activities in one place. The deliverables on the ACWG page can be filtered by category (G20 leaders’ communiqués, action and implementation plans, accountability and monitoring reports, thematic documents such as deliverables on beneficial ownership transparency and integrity in the private sector) or by presidency/year. 

This year, the first ACWG meeting under the Italian Presidency was held from 29 March to 1 April and saw a separate session with the FATF. The participants of the meeting discussed, in particular, the following draft documents: 

  • Action Plan 2022-2024;
  • High Level Principles on Corruption Related to Organized Crime;
  • High Level Principles on Tacking Corruption in Sport;
  • Measurement of Corruption in G20 Countries: Overview and Best Practices.
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