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Anti-Corruption Portal
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Resources Section of the Portal Updated

The section of the Portal containing publications on anti-corruption has been restructured and significantly updated and the list of useful external websites has been considerably extended.

The focus of the publications database is on specific anti-corruption tools, and is now divided into 8 thematic blocks:

  • Anti-Corruption Authorities;
  • Asset Disclosure;
  • Conflict of Interest;
  • Corruption Measurement;
  • Criminal Liability;
  • Revolving Door;
  • Standards of Conduct;
  • Whistleblowing.

The topics partly overlap: for instance, illicit enrichment issue refers to both asset disclosure and criminal liability, meanwhile revolving door may be considered as a part of the standards of conduct, etc. Therefore, for ease of reference some topics have hints with a list of key issues which each topic comprises. 

We plan to further extend both the list of topics and the number of publications, however the emphasis will still be on anti-corruption tools. Thus, important topics of a more general nature, such as causes and consequences of corruption, history of anti-corruption regulation, etc. will not be included.

In addition to thematic blocks the publications are sorted by:

  • language – at present, there are over 400 sources in Russian and over 600 in other languages, predominantly in English;
  • year – the focus is on the materials published over the last 5 years, from 2016 through 2020. However, the section also contains quite an extensive archive of pre-2016 publications.

Regarding the publications in Russian, the database contains their references in the electronic research library eLibrary, where most works can be downloaded free of charge (registration is required) and specific articles are available on payment. As for the foreign publications, whose text is publicly available, there are respective links to the journals and electronic databases, where they can be downloaded free of charge.

The entire biblography as well as bibliography on any specific topic can be downloaded as a DOCX file.

The section “Websites” has also been updated. It contains information about useful external resources divided into 5 caterories:

  • International Initiatives;
  • Civil Society;
  • Research Centres;
  • Blogs and Personal Websites;
  • Online Training.

In this section, the list of links to the websites of NGOs (the “Civil Society” category) that deal with anti-corruption issues has been considerably extended. Now, among them there are both the organizations which conduct theoretical research of different aspects of the fight against corruption or those established to exchange information and experience among citizens, entities and public bodies and the organizations which carry out independent investigations and provide advice and legal assistance to the citizens, for example, to the whistleblowers.

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