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Angola Adopts Anti-Corruption Strategy

Angola has Adopted a National Strategy for Preventing and Repressing Corruption for 2024 through 2027 (Estratégia Nacional de Prevenção e Repressão da Corrupção 2024-2027, hereinafter referred to as the Strategy).

The introductory part of the Strategy stresses that corruption in Angola has acquired a rampant and systemic character, becoming a reason for the degradation of society, citizens’ deprivation of access to public services, weakening of public institutions and increased pervasive distrust to the latter.

The Strategy’s main goal is to implement a comprehensive approach to countering corruption, including anti-corruption reforms and promotion of integrity principles in all areas based on:

  • legality;
  • respect for the principles of integrity;
  • proper use of public resources;
  • impartiality;
  • respect for the public interest;
  • responsible implementation of the measures foreseen by the Strategy; and
  • maintenance of a high level of transparency and accountability.

The Strategy covers three main areas:

1. Corruption prevention

As per the Strategy, prevention is a crucial element of the fight against corruption at the domestic level.

The document sets the following objectives in this area:

  • Develop codes of conduct for public officials;
  • Expand the list of anti-corruption restrictions, prohibitions and obligations imposed on the public officials, including the restriction on entrepreneurial activities;
  • Organise training and awareness-raising activities on the fight against corruption and promotion of the principles of integrity for public officials, including on such topics as transparency of the use of public budget and importance of the damage inflicted by corruption;
  • Oblige the candidates for public offices and civil service positions to undergo training on how to comply with the principles of integrity and to take the oath;
  • Enhance transparency of public bodies’ activities;
  • Reduce bureaucracy in public services also through digitalisation;
  • Provide the anti-corruption bodies with sufficient human and material resources;
  • Promote whistleblowing;
  • Improve preventing mechanisms against nepotism and other offences related to the actions undertaken in conflict-of-interest situations and trading in influence;
  • Ensure that public officials have proper remuneration;
  • Improve the mechanisms against corruption in public procurement also by digitalizing contracting, restricting the possibility to conclude public contracts with the organisations held liable for corruption and/or related offences, introduce other measures to prevent corrupt practices, increase transparency and accountability and promote competition;
  • Implement corruption prevention mechanisms in the privatization and pension systems;
  • Consider whether there is a need for amending the legislation regulating declaration of assets;
  • Strengthen interagency and public-private cooperation in combating corruption;
  • Improve business environment and create favourable conditions for private investments necessary for creating jobs, diversifying and developing the economy;
  • Raise public awareness about the fight against corruption and promotion of the principles of integrity also by holding anti-corruption meetings and trainings;
  • Introduce anti-corruption subjects in schools’ and universities’ curricula, as well as in the teachers’ and educators’ training programmes, develop and hold recreational activities on the harm caused by corruption targeted at children;
  • Create opportunities for citizens to exercise control over the execution of the state budget, holding of recruitment procedures for public offices and civil service positions;
  • Engage the media in disseminating information about the fight against corruption;
  • Measure corruption perception to determine the areas that are most vulnerable to corruption etc.

2. Corruption detection

The document formulated the following objectives in this area:

  • Strengthen the potential for detecting corruption and corruption-related offences by enhancing professionalism of public officials in the public and private sectors, and raise public awareness about the ways to detect corruption in general;
  • Protect whistleblowers and their associates;
  • Establish a single channel for disclosing offences and raise public awareness thereof;
  • Develop and implement the mechanisms for identifying the beneficiaries in case of corruption offences;
  • Create information systems to detect indicators of corruption;
  • Implement the mechanisms for disclosing the cases of provision of goods, works and services that do not meet the criteria of the tender documentation, acquisition of public property in violation of the procedures established by the law, and expenditure of public funds without proper billing or equivalent documents;
  • Strengthen international cooperation with a view to exchanging relevant information about potential acts of corruption committed in the country or abroad.

3. Prosecution

This line of action includes such objectives as:

  • Establish dedicated divisions in the bodies fulfilling anti-corruption functions;
  • Create interagency working groups to investigate “grand corruption” and/or particularly complex cases;
  • Promote civil and administrative procedures to ensure prompt return of illegally acquired assets;
  • Draft and adopt the legislation on non-conviction-based confiscation of assets;
  • Improve the mechanisms for managing the assets recovered;
  • Ensure that the public officials accused of corruption crimes are removed in a prompt manner until the investigation procedures have been concluded;
  • Implement cutting-edge methods of criminal investigation, including acquisition of specialised software for these purposes;
  • Develop a separate line for prosecuting corruption and corruption-related offences in courts taking account of the level of trial activity;
  • Improve the integrated system of data on criminal investigations and procedural details;
  • Ensure interoperability of the information systems of court, law enforcement and other bodies in investigation of corruption crimes;
  • Enhance transparency of corruption and corruption-related cases;
  • Increase fines for corruption and corruption-related crimes;
  • Consider the possibility to introduce additional liability measures for corruption and corruption-related crimes.

The monitoring and assessment of effectiveness of implementation of the Strategy will rest with the Interagency Commission (Comissão Multissectorial) the members of which are appointed by the President of the Republic among the representatives of the bodies fulfilling specific anti-corruption functions.

Anti-corruption policies and strategies
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