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An Anti-Corruption Academy Established in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption (hereinafter, the Academy) has launched its operations in Hong Kong.

The Academy is established on the basis of the Independent Commission Against Corruption with the aim to:

  • Organise systematic and continuous training of officials of anti-corruption and law enforcement authorities and other persons authorised to counter corruption both in Hong Kong and abroad;
  • Provide the interested persons with a platform to conduct anti-corruption academic research, in particular, on integrity of servants (employees) of the public and private sectors;
  • Promote exchange of experience in the fight against corruption between scholars and practitioners from Hong Kong and other countries.

A five-day Professional Development Program on Financial Investigation and Asset Recovery organised in cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is the first educational programme of the Academy. It covers such topics as:

  • Forensics methods of financial crimes investigation;
  • Analysis of financial information;
  • Tracing of illicit proceeds;
  • Anti-money-laundering;
  • Asset recovery;
  • International cooperation in countering financial crimes.

35 anti-corruption experts from 20 jurisdictions have already attended the course.

Besides the training, the Academy proposes the following programmes:

1. International:

  • Leadership and Executive Development Programme;
  • Professional Anti-Corruption Programme in Major Infrastructure Projects;
  • International anti-corruption programme (investigation, corruption prevention and education modules);

2. Domestic:

  • Bespoke Professional Anti-Corruption Training Programme for Specific Industry or Sectors;
  • Public Works Integrity Leadership Training;
  • Corporate Governance and Anti-Bribery Policy Programme;
  • Public Procurement Risk Assessment Programme.

The programmes are primarily targeted at foreign public officials: the Academy implements them in cooperation with anti-corruption, law enforcements and other authorities responsible for preventing and combating corruption from other jurisdictions that send their officials to undergo training.

The courses are in-person and often include the possibility of practical training in public bodies of Hong Kong and mainland China.

To enhance the effectiveness of its operations, the Academy has also concluded memoranda of understanding with a number of universities of mainland China, Macau and Hong Kong, including:

The Academy seeks to strengthen its cooperation with these institutions by exchanging experience and expertise.

Education and enlightenment
International cooperation
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