Penal Code (Chapter 224 of the 2008 Revised Edition of the Statutes of the Republic of Singapore): Articles 161-165, 168, 169, (English);
Prevention of Corruption Act, Chapter 241 of the 2008 Revised Edition of the Statutes of the Republic of Singapore, (English);
Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits Act), Chapter 65a of the 2008 Revised Edition of the Statutes of the Republic of Singapore, (English).
Penal Code: § 294, 296, 298, 2981, 300, 3001, 301, 4023, 4024
(Karistusseadustik: § 294, 296, 298, 2981, 300, 3001, 301, 4023, 4024), (Estonian/English);
Anti-Corruption Act
(Korruptsioonivastane seadus), (Estonian/English).
Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau, (English).
Prosecutor’s Office
(Prokuratuur), (Estonian/Russian/English);
Ministry of Justice
(Justiitsministeerium), (Estonian/English);
Anti-Corruption Portal of Ministry of Justice
(Justiitsministeeriumi korruptsioonivastane portaal), (Estonian);
Internal Security Service
(Kaitsepolitseiamet), (Estonian/English).