Penal Code: Articles 185, 210-213, 216, (English);
Republic Act No. 3019 of August 17, 1960 «Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act», (English);
Republic Act No. 6713 of February 20, 1989 «Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees», (English);
Republic Act No. 7080 of July 12, 1991 «An Act Defining and Penalizing the Crime of Plunder», (English);
Republic Act No. 9485 of June 2, 2007 «Anti-Red Tape Act», (English);
Presidential Decree No. 46 of November 10, 1972 Making It Punishable for Public Officials and Employees to Receive, and for Private Persons to Give, Gifts on Any Occasion, Including Christmas, (English).
1. Criminal Code: Articles 122, 144, 145, 280, 290, 290a, 304a, Chapter 5 – Criminal Liability of Legal Persons
(Straffeloven: § 122, 144, 145, 280, 290, 290a, 304a, 5. kapitel – Strafansvar for juridiske personer), (Danish);
2. Public Administration Act
(Forvaltningsloven LBK nr 433 af 22/04/2014), (Danish);
3. Whistleblower Protection Act
(Lov om beskyttelse af whistleblowere LOV nr 1436 af 29/06/2021), (Danish);
4. Code of Conduct VII: Seven Key Responsibilities of Central Government Officials
(Syv centrale pligter for embedsmænd i centraladministrationen — Kodex VII), (Danish).