Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Articles 218, 250, 253, 361, 364, 366-368, 417
(Уголовный кодекс: статьи 218, 250, 253, 361, 364, 366-368, 417), (Russian);
Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 5, 2014 No. 235-V ZRK: Chapter 34 «Administrative Corruption Offences»
(Кодекс Республики Казахстан об административных правонарушениях от 5 июля 2014 г. № 235-V ЗРК, Глава 34 - Административные коррупционные правонарушения), (Russian);
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 18, 2015 No. 410-V ZRK «On Countering Corruption»
(Закон Республики Казахстан от 18 ноября 2015 г. №410-V ЗРК «О противодействии коррупции»), (Russian);
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 23, 2015 No. 416-V ZRK «On Civil Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
(Закон Республики Казахстан от 23 ноября 2015 г. № 416-V ЗРК «О государственной службе Республики Казахстан»), (Russian);
Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2015 No. 153 «On the Measures for Further Improvement of Ethical Norms and Rules of Conduct of Civil Servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan» (with the Code of Ethics of Civil Servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
(Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 29 декабря 2015 г. № 153 «О мерах по дальнейшему совершенствованию этических норм и правил поведения государственных служащих Республики Казахстан»), (Russian).
Criminal Law: Chapter 16, Articles 13-14b, 18; Chapter 30, Articles 7-8a, 13; Chapter 32, Articles 6-10; Chapter 40, Articles 1-4a, 7, 8
(Rikoslaki: Luku 16, § 13-14b, 18; Luku 30, § 7-8a, 13; Luku 32, § 6-10; Luku 40, § 1-4a, 7, 8), (Finnish/Swedish/English);
Law of August 19, 1994 No. 750 «On Civil Service»
(19.8.1994/750 Valtion virkamieslaki), (Finnish/Swedish/English);
Law of December 20, 2022 No. 1171 «On the Protection of Whistleblowers Reporting Breaches of European Union and National Law»
(1171/2022 Laki Euroopan unionin ja kansallisen oikeuden rikkomisesta ilmoittavien henkilöiden suojelusta), (Finnish/Swedish);
Code of Conduct for Officials
(Virkamieseettinen toimintaohje), (Finnish/Swedish);
Values in the Daily Job – Civil Servant’s Ethics. A handbook for the state administration»
(Arvot Arjessa – Virkamiehen Etiikka. Valtionhallinnon Käsikirja), (Finnish), (English);
Recommendations of the Ministry of Finance on Other Paid Activities of Officials
(VM/561/00.00.00/2017 Virkamiesten sivutoimet), (Finnish/Swedish);
Recommendations of the Ministry of Finance on the Issues Regarding the Acceptance of Gifts, Offers of Hospitality and Other Benefits
(VN/27196/2023 Vieraanvaraisuudesta, eduista ja lahjoista), (Finnish);
Recommendations of the Ministry of Finances Regarding Cooling-Off Periods for Former Civil Servants
(VM/1007/00.00.00/2012 Ohje virkamiehen siirtyessä toisen työnantajan palvelukseen), (Finnish);
Report of the Committee for Ethics in Civil Service, with recommendations, March 2014
(Valtion virkamieseettisen toimikunnan raportti 3/2014), (Finnish).
National Anti-Corruption Agency
(Сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимыл ұлттық агенттігі), (Kazakh/Russian/English).
National Bureau of Investigation
(Keskusrikospoliisi), (Finnish/Swedish/English);
Prosecution Authority
(Syyttäjälaitos), (Finnish/Swedish/English);
Ministry of Finance
(Valtiovarainministeriö), (Finnish/Swedish/English).