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Anti-Corruption Portal
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Comparison of countries
Overall Score:
38 out of 100
96 out of 180
36 out of 141
Overall Score:
51 out of 100
Overall Score:
0,50 out of 1
79 out of 142
Overall Score:
126 out of 150
9 out of 140
Overall Score:
5,27 out of 10
83 out of 119
Overall Score:
45 out of 100
69 out of 180
Overall Score:
42 out of 100
Overall Score:
0,55 out of 1
60 out of 142
Overall Score:
4,53 out of 10
91 out of 119
International Cooperation
  • The UN Convention against Corruption was ratified in 2011.
  • The review under the first cycle of the Implementation Review Mechanism is completed. Executive summary is available here.
  • G20 Presidency in 2023.
  • The documents adopted under India’s Presidency are available here.
  • Member of the FATF since 2010.
  • Evaluation Report on compliance with the FATF recommendations is available here.
  • BRICS Member since 2009.
  • Holds BRICS Presidency in 2021.
  • The UN Convention against Corruption was ratified in 2005.
  • The review under the second cycle of the Implementation Review Mechanism is completed. The executive summary is available here.
  • The AU Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption was ratified in 2007.
Main Legislation
  1. Penal Code: Articles 168, 169, 213-215
    (भारतीय दंड संहिता, 1860: सामग्री  168, 169, 213-215), (Hindi);
  2. The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
    (भ्रष्टाचार निवारण अधिनियम, 1988), (Hindi), (English);
  3. The Central Vigilance Commission Act, 2003 »
    (केन्द्रीय सतर्कता आयोग अधिनियम, 2003), (Hindi), (English);
  4. The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013
    (लोकपाल और लोकायुक्त अधिनियम, 2013), (Hindi), (English);
  5. The Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2014
    (द व्हिसल ब्लोअर प्रोटेक्शन एक्ट, 2014), (Hindi);
  6. The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964
    (केन्द्रीय सिविल सेवा (आचरण) नियम, 1964), (Hindi), (English);
  7. Code Of Conduct For Ministers (Both Union and State) by the Ministry of Home Affairs
    (मंत्रियों के लिए आचार संहिता), (Hindi), (English).
  1. Criminal Code: Articles 157-163bis
    (Code Pénal: Articles 157-163bis), (French);
  2. Law No. 2012-30 of December 28, 2012 «On the Establishment of the National Anti-Fraud and Corruption Office»
    (Loi No. 2012-30 du 28 décembre 2012 Portant Création de l'Office National de Lutte contre la Fraude et la Corruption), (French);
  3. Law No. 2014-17 of April 2, 2014 «On Asset Declaration»
    (Loi No. 2014-17 du 02 avril 2014 Relative à la Déclaration de Patrimoine), (French);
  4. Law No. 2024-06 of February 12, 2024 «On Amendment Law No. 2012-30 of December 28, 2012 “On the Establishment of the National Anti-Fraud and Corruption Office”»
    (Loi No. 2024-06 du 09 février 2024 modifiant la loi No. 2012-30 du 28 décembre 2012 portant création de l'Office national de lutte contre la fraude et la corruption), (French);
  5. Law No. 2024-07 of February 12, 2024 «On Amendment Law No. 2014-17 of April 2, 2014 “On Asset Declaration”»
    (Loi No. 2024-07 du 09 février 2024 Modifiant la Loi No. 2014-17 du 02 avril 2014 Relative à la Déclaration de Patrimoine), (French).
Anti-Corruption Bodies
  1. Central Vigilance Commission of India
    (केंद्रीय सतर्कता आयोग), (Hindi/English);

  2. Anti-Corruption Ombudsman
    (लोकपाल और लोकायुक्त), (no official website).

  1. National Office for the Fight against Fraud and Corruption
    (Office National de Lutte contre la Fraude et la Corruption), (French).
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