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Anti-Corruption Portal
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Comparison of countries
Overall Score:
49 out of 100
59 out of 180
99 out of 141
Overall Score:
0,60 out of 1
47 out of 142
Overall Score:
64 out of 150
113 out of 140
Overall Score:
6,44 out of 10
56 out of 119
Overall Score:
45 out of 100
69 out of 180
Overall Score:
79 out of 100
Overall Score:
0,48 out of 1
93 out of 142
Overall Score:
52 out of 150
130 out of 140
Overall Score:
5,25 out of 10
84 out of 119
International Cooperation
  • The UN Convention against Corruption was ratified in 2008.
  • The review under the second cycle of the Implementation Review Mechanism is completed. The executive summary is available here.
  • GRECO’s member since 1999.
  • The Council of Europe’s Criminal Law Convention on Corruption was ratified in 2007.
  • The Council of Europe’s Civil Law Convention on Corruption was ratified in 2002.
  • The fifth evaluation round is completed. The evaluation report is available here.
  • The OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions was ratified in 1999.
  • The country is undergoing Phase 4 evaluation of the implementation of the Convention. The report is available here.
  • Member of the FATF since 1991.
  • Evaluation Report on compliance with the FATF recommendations is available here.
  • The Agreement for the Establishment of the International Anti-Corruption Academy as an International Organization was ratified in 2014.
  • The UN Convention against Corruption was ratified in 2004.
  • The review under the first cycle of the Implementation Review Mechanism is completed. The executive summary is available here.
  • The AU Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption was ratified in 2007.
Main Legislation
  1. Criminal Code: Articles 159, 159a, 235-238, 386, 394-396
    (Ποινικού Κώδικα: Άρθρο 159, 159a, 235-238, 386, 394-396), (Greek);
  2. Law No. 2725 of 1999 «Amateur and Professional Sports and Other Provisions»: Article 132
    (Νόμος v. 2725/1999. Ερασιτεχνικός και επαγγελματικός αθλητισμός και άλλες διατάξεις: Άρθρο 132), (Greek);
  3. Law No. 3213 of 2003 «Declaration and audit of the assets of members of parliament, public officials and servants, mass media owners and other categories of individuals»
    (Νόμος ν. 3213/2003 Δήλωση και έλεγχος περιουσιακής κατάστασης βουλευτών, δημόσιων λειτουργών και υπαλλήλων, ιδιοκτητών μέσων μαζικής ενημέρωσης και άλλων κατηγοριών προσώπων), (Greek);
  4. Law No. 3528 of 2007 «Ratifying the Code of Conduct for Public Administrative Employees»
    (Νόμος ν. 3528/2007 Κύρωση του Κώδικα Κατάστασης Δημοσίων Πολιτικών Διοικητικών Υπαλλήλων και Υπαλλήλων Ν.Π.Δ.Δ.), (Greek);
  5. Law No. 4990 of 2022 «On the Protection of Persons Who Report Breaches of Union Law: Implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 November 2019 on the Protection of Persons Who Report Breaches of Union Law, and Other Urgent Decrees»
    (Νόμος ν. 4990/2022 Προστασία προσώπων που αναφέρουν παραβιά σεις ενωσιακού δικαίου Ενσωμάτωση της Οδη γίας (ΕΕ) 2019/1937 του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου της 23ης Οκτωβρίου 2019 (L 305) και λοιπές επείγουσες ρυθμίσεις), (Greek);
  6. Law No. 5026 of 2023 «On Asset and Financial Interest Declarations, Measures to Strengthen the European Public Prosecutor's Office and Other Urgent Measures»
    (Υποβολή των δηλώσεων περιουσιακής κατάστασης (πόθεν έσχες) και οικονομικών συμφερόντων Ρυθμίσεις για την ενίσχυση της Ευρωπαϊκής Εισαγγελίας Λοιπές επείγουσες ρυθμίσεις), (Greek).


  1. Criminal Code: Articles 335-346, 357-359, 360-362, 368, 375
    (Code Pénal: Articles 335-346, 357-359, 360-362, 368, 375), (French);
  2. Law No. 2011-20 of October 12, 2011 «On Combating Corruption and Other Related Offences in the Republic of Benin»
    (Loi No. 2011-020 Portant Lutte Contre la Corruption et Autres Infractions Connexes en République du Bénin), (French);
  3. Law No. 2015-18 of January 17, 2018 «On the General Status of the Civil Service»: Article 20
    (Loi No. 2015-18 du 17 janvier 2018 portant statut général de la fonction publique: Article 20), (French);
  4. Law No. 2020-09 of April 23, 2020 «On the Creation, Mission, Organisation and Functioning of the High Commission for the Prevention of Corruption in the Republic of Benin»
    (Loi No. 2020-09 du 23 avril 2020 portant création, mission, organisation et fonctionnement du Haut-Commissariat à la prévention de la corruption en République du Bénin), (French);
  5. Decree No. 2020-601 of December 23, 2020 «On the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct in Public Procurement»
    (Décret No. 2020-601 portant code d’éthique et déontologie dans la commande publique), (French);
  6. Decree No. 2022-040 of January 19, 2022 «On the Establishment of the Complaints and Whistleblower Processing and Analysis Unit under the President of the Republic»
    (Décret No. 2022-040 du 19 janvier 2022 portant création à la Présidence de la République, d'une Cellule d'analyse et de traitement des plaintes et dénonciations), (French);
  7. Decree No. 2022-388 of July 13, 2022 «On Approving the Code of Ethics and Values for the Public Administration»
    (Décret No. 2022-388 du 13 juillet 2022 portant approbation du code d'éthique et des valeurs de l'Administration publique), (French).
Anti-Corruption Bodies
  1. Financial Crime Department of the Athens Appellate Prosecutor's Office
    (Τμήμα Οικονομικού Εγκλήματος της Εισαγγελίας Εφετών Αθηνών), (Greek);
  2. Secretariat-General for Countering Corruption, Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights
    (Εθνική Αρχή Διαφάνειας στο πλαίσιο του Υπουργείου Δικαιοσύνης, Διαφάνειας και Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων), (Greek).
  1. High Commission for the Prevention of Corruption in the Republic of Benin
    (Haut-Commissariat à la prévention de la corruption en République du Bénin), (no official website);
  2. Complaints and Whistleblower Processing and Analysis Unit
    (Cellule d’Analyse et de Traitement des Plaintes et Dénonciations), (French).

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