The Agreement for the Establishment of the International Anti-Corruption Academy as an International Organization was ratified in 2018.
Main Legislation
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Criminal Code: Articles 217-220, 222, Chapter XIV – Liability of legal persons for criminal offences (Krivični zakon: Čl. 217-220, 222, Glava četrnaesta – Odgovornost pravnih lica za krivična djela), (Bosnian);
Law No. 19/02 of June 25, 2002 «On Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina» (Zakon №19/02 o državnoj službi u institucijama Bosne i Hercegovine), (Bosnian);
Law No. 103/09 of December 30, 2009 «On the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and the Coordination of the Fight against Corruption» (Zakon o Agenciji za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije), (Bosnian);
Law No. 100/13 of December 16, 2013 «On the Protection of Persons Who Report Corruption in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina» (Zakon №100/13 о zaštiti lica koja prijavljuju korupciju u institucijama bosne i hercegovine), (Bosnian);
Law No. 18/24 of March 15, 2024 «On Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Public Authorities on Bosnia and Herzegovina» (Zakon No. 18/24 o sprečavanju sukoba interesa u institucijama na nivou Bosne i Hercegovine),(Bosnian).
Criminal Code, articles 140-149 and 152-154 (قانون رقم (11) لسنة 2004 بإصدار قانون العقوبات: المواد 140-149 ، 152-154), (Arabic);
Code of Conduct and Integrity for Public Officials (میثاق سلوك ونزاهة الموظفين العموميين), (Arabic).
Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and the Coordination of the Fight against Corruption (Agencija za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije), (Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/English);
Special Department for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption, the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Posebni odjel za organizirani kriminal, privredni kriminal i korupciju), (Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/English).
Administrative Control and Transparency Authority (هيئة الرقابة الإدارية والشفافية), (Arabic/English);
Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Centre (مركز حكم القانون ومكافحة الفساد), (Arabic/English).