Criminal Code: Articles 123, 225-228, 230, Article 20 – Criminal Liability of a Legal Entity
(Baudžiamasis Kodeksas: straipsnis 123, 225-228, 230, 20 – Juridinio asmens baudžiamoji atsakomybė), (Lithuanian);
Law on the Adjustment of Public and Private Interests in Civil Service
(Lietuvos Respublikos viešųjų ir privačių interesų derinimo valstybinėje tarnyboje įstatymas), (Lithuanian);
Law on the Civil Service
(Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės tarnybos įstatymas), (Lithuanian);
Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Prevention of Corruption
(Lietuvos Respublikos korupcijos prevencijos įstatymas), (Lithuanian);
1. Constitution: Article 130
(Constitución: Artículo 130), (Spanish);
2. Criminal Code: Articles 281, 282, 445-450, 452, 453, 454, 456-459
(Código Penal: Artículos 281, 282, 445-450, 452, 453, 454, 456-459), (Spanish);
3. Civil Service Probity Law
(Ley de Probidad de Los Servidores Públicos), (Spanish);
4. Law on Amendments to Law No. 735, Law on the Prevention, Investigation and Prosecution of Organised Crime and on the Administration of Seized, Confiscated and Abandoned Assets
(Ley De Reformas A La Ley No. 735, Ley de Prevención, Investigación y Persecución del Crimen Organizado y de la Administración de los Bienes Incautados, Decomisados y Abandonados), (Spanish);
5. Code of Ethical Conduct for Civil Servants in the Executive Branch of Government
(Código de Conducta Ética de los Servidores Públicos del Poder Ejecutivo), (Spanish).
Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Lithuania
(Lietuvos Respublikos specialiųjų tyrimų tarnyba), (Lithuanian/English);
Chief Official Ethics Commission
(Vyriausioji tarnybinės etikos komisija), (Lithuanian/English).
1. Attorney General of the Republic (site created but currently unavailable)
(Fiscal General de la República), (Spanish).