General Penal Code of 1940 No.19: Articles 109, 128, 129, 134, 264, 264a
(№19/1940, Almenn hegningarlög: greinar 109, 128, 129, 134, 264, 264a), (Icelandic);
Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers
(Lög um vernd uppljóstrara), (Icelandic);
Code of Conduct for Government Officials
(Siðareglur fyrir starfsfólk Stjórnarráðs Íslands), (Icelandic).
Federal Decree Law No. (31) of 2021 concerning Crimes and Penal Code: Article 66 – Liability of Juristic Persons, Articles 275-287, (Arabic);
Federal Decree Law No. (49) of 2022 on Human Resources Law in the Federal Government, (English);
Cabinet Resolution No. (48) of 2023 concerning Executive Regulations of Human Resources Law in the Federal Government), (English).
1. Office of the Attorney General
(Ríkissaksóknari), (Icelandic/English).
1. Abu Dhabi Accountability Authority, (Arabic/English);
2. Economic Security Center of Dubai, (Arabic/English).