1. Criminal Code: Articles 246-250, 254-256, 504bis, 504ter
(Wetboek van Strafrecht: Art. 246-250, 254-256, 504bis, 504ter), (Dutch);
2. Law of November 28, 2022 «On the Protection of Whistleblowers Reporting Breaches of Union or National Law Committed by Legal Persons in the Private Sector»
(Wet van 28 november 2022, betreffende de bescherming van melders van inbreuken op het Unie- of nationale recht vastgesteld binnen een juridische entiteit in de private sector), (Dutch);
3. Law of December 8, 2022 «On Disclosure Channels and Whistleblower Protection in the Federal Public Authorities and the Integrated Police»
(Wet van 8 december 2022, betreffende de meldingskanalen en de bescherming van de melders van integriteitsschendingen in de federale overheidsinstanties en bij de geïntegreerde politie), (Dutch);
4. Circular of June 11, 2024 «On the Public Procurement: Ethics, Conflict of Interest and "Revolving Door"»
(Omzendbrief 11 juni 2024 - Overheidsopdrachten - Deontologie - Belangenconflict - Draaideurconstructie (`revolving doors')), (Dutch);
5. The Code of Ethics for Federal Public Officials
(Deontologisch Kader), (Dutch).
Criminal Code: Articles 235, 236, 252-255, 282
(Türk Ceza Kanunu: Madde 235, 236, 252-255, 282), (Turkish);
Law on Civil Service of July 14, 1965 No. № 657
(14/7/1965 tarihli ve 657 sayılı Devlet Memurları Kanunu), (Turkish);
Act of June 10, 1981 No. 17480 «On the Prohibition of Employment after Dismissal from the Public Sector»
(10/06/1981 tarihli ve 17480 sayılı Kamu Görevlerinden Ayrılanların Yapamayacakları İşler Hakkında Kanun), (Turkish);
Act of April 19, 1990 No. 3628 «On Declaration of Property and Fight against Bribery and Corruption»
(19/04/1990 tarihli ve 3628 sayılı Mal Bildiriminde Bulunulması, Rüşvet ve Yolsuzluklarla Mücadele Kanunu), (Turkish);
Law of May 25, 2004 No. 5176 «On the Establishment of Council of Ethics for Public Service and on Amendments to Specific Laws»
(25/05/2004 tarihli ve 5176 sayılı Kamu Görevlileri Etik Kurulu Kurulmasi Ve Bazi Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapilmasi Hakkinda Kanun), (Turkish);
Regulation No. 90/748 on Declaration of Assets
(Yönetmelik № 90/748 Mal Bildiriminde Bulunulmasi Hakkinda), (Turkish);
Regulation on Ethical Principles of Conduct for Public Officials and Principles and Procedures of Their Application
(Yönetmelik Kamu Görevlileri Etik Davraniş İlkeleri İle Başvuru Usul Ve Esaslari Hakkinda), (Turkish).
Council of Ethics for the Public Service
(Kamu Görevlileri Etik Kurulu), (Turkish).