Criminal Code: Articles 227, 228, 230, 231, 245, 359, 366-368
(Кривични законик: Чл. 227, 228, 230, 231, 245, 359, 366-368), (Serbian), (English - amended 2019);
Law No. 79/2005-13 «On Civil Servants»
(Закон о државним службеницима 79/2005-13), (Serbian);
Law No. 128/2014-3 «On Protection of Whistleblowers»
(Закон о заштити узбуњивача 128/2014-3), (Serbian);
Law No. 35/2019-6 «On Countering Corruption»
(Закон о спречавању корупције 35/2019-6), (Serbian).
Criminal Code: Articles 324, 338, 347-355
(Ley 4573, Código Penal: Artículos 324, 338, 347-355), (Spanish);
Law No. 8422 «On Countering Corruption and Illicit Enrichment in Civil Service»
(Ley 8422 contra la corrupción y el enriquecimeinto ilícito en la función pública), (Spanish);
Law No. 9699 «On Liability of Legal Persons for Bribery, Transnational Bribery and other Crimes»
(Ley 9699 Responsabilidad de las personas jurídicas sobre cohechos domésticos, soborno transnacional y otros delitos), (Spanish);
Law No. 10437 «On Protecting of Whistleblowers and Witnesses of Corruption against Retaliation in the Workplace»
(Ley 10437 de protección de las personas denunciantes y testigos de actos de corrupción contra represalias laborales), (Spanish).
Anti-Corruption Agency (site created but currently unavailable)
(Агенција за спречавање корупције), (Serbian/English);
Anti-Corruption Department of the Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office
(Одељење за борбу против корупције Републичког јавног тужилаштва), (Serbian/Bosnian/English);
Special Department for Organised Crime of the Higher Court
(Посебно одељења за организовани криминал), (Serbian).
General Prosecutor’s Office of Costa Rica
(Procuraduría General de la República de Costa Rica), (Spanish).