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Anti-Corruption Portal
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Comparison of countries
Overall Score:
14 out of 100
172 out of 180
Overall Score:
44 out of 100
Overall Score:
0,34 out of 1
137 out of 142
Overall Score:
111 out of 150
24 out of 140
Overall Score:
4,43 out of 10
96 out of 119
Overall Score:
41 out of 100
82 out of 180
76 out of 141
Overall Score:
22 out of 100
Overall Score:
0,51 out of 1
73 out of 142
Overall Score:
84 out of 150
76 out of 140
Overall Score:
6,45 out of 10
55 out of 119
International Cooperation
  • The UN Convention against Corruption was ratified in 2006.
  • The review under the first cycle of the Implementation Review Mechanism is completed. The executive summary is available here.
  • The Inter-American Convention against Corruption was ratified in 1999.
  • The UN Convention against Corruption was ratified in 2005.
  • The review under the first cycle of the Implementation Review Mechanism is completed. The executive summary is available here.
  • GRECO’s member since 1999.
  • The Council of Europe’s Criminal Law Convention on Corruption was ratified in 2001.
  • The Council of Europe’s Civil Law Convention on Corruption was ratified in 2005.
  • The fifth evaluation round is completed. The evaluation report is available here.
  • The OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions was ratified in 1998.
  • The country is undergoing Phase 4 evaluation of the implementation of the Convention. The report is available here.
Main Legislation

1. Constitution: Article 130
(Constitución: Artículo 130), (Spanish);

2. Criminal Code: Articles 281, 282, 445-450, 452, 453, 454, 456-459
(Código Penal: Artículos 281, 282, 445-450, 452, 453, 454, 456-459), (Spanish);

3. Civil Service Probity Law
(Ley de Probidad de Los Servidores Públicos), (Spanish);

4. Law on Amendments to Law No. 735, Law on the Prevention, Investigation and Prosecution of Organised Crime and on the Administration of Seized, Confiscated and Abandoned Assets
(Ley De Reformas A La Ley No. 735, Ley de Prevención, Investigación y Persecución del Crimen Organizado y de la Administración de los Bienes Incautados, Decomisados y Abandonados), (Spanish);

5. Code of Ethical Conduct for Civil Servants in the Executive Branch of Government
(Código de Conducta Ética de los Servidores Públicos del Poder Ejecutivo), (Spanish).

  1. Criminal Code: Articles 290-300A, 305, 306
    (2012. évi C. törvénya Büntető Törvénykönyvről: § 290-300A, 305, 306), (Hungarian);

  2. Law CIV of December 11, 2001 «On the Criminal Measures against Legal Persons»
    (2001. évi CIV. törvény a jogi személlyel szemben alkalmazható büntetőjogi intézkedésekről), (Hungarian);

  3. Law on Civil Service
    (2011. évi CXCIX. törvény a közszolgálati tisztviselőkről), (Hungarian)

  4. Law on Complaints, Public Interest Disclosures and Rules of Reporting of Abuses
    (2023. évi XXV. törvény a panaszokról, a közérdekű bejelentésekről, valamint a visszaélések bejelentésével összefüggő szabályokról), (Hungarian).

Anti-Corruption Bodies

1. Attorney General of the Republic (site created but currently unavailable)
(Fiscal General de la República), (Spanish).

  1. Corruption Prevention Police Department of Hungary
    (Nemzeti Védelmi Szolgálat Korrupciómegelőzési Főosztály), (Hungarian/English);

  2. Integrity Authority
    (Integritás Hatóság), (Hungarian);
  3. Anti-Corruption Task Force
    (Korrupcióellenes Munkacsoport), (Hungarian/English).
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