The Agreement for the Establishment of the International Anti-Corruption Academy as an International Organization was ratified in 2012.
Main Legislation
Criminal Code, articles 140-149 and 152-154 (قانون رقم (11) لسنة 2004 بإصدار قانون العقوبات: المواد 140-149 ، 152-154), (Arabic);
Code of Conduct and Integrity for Public Officials (میثاق سلوك ونزاهة الموظفين العموميين), (Arabic).
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Criminal Code: Articles 217-220, 222, Chapter XIV – Liability of legal persons for criminal offences (Krivični zakon: Čl. 217-220, 222, Glava četrnaesta – Odgovornost pravnih lica za krivična djela), (Bosnian);
Law No. 19/02 of June 25, 2002 «On Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina» (Zakon №19/02 o državnoj službi u institucijama Bosne i Hercegovine), (Bosnian);
Law No. 103/09 of December 30, 2009 «On the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and the Coordination of the Fight against Corruption» (Zakon o Agenciji za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije), (Bosnian);
Law No. 100/13 of December 16, 2013 «On the Protection of Persons Who Report Corruption in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina» (Zakon №100/13 о zaštiti lica koja prijavljuju korupciju u institucijama bosne i hercegovine), (Bosnian);
Law No. 18/24 of March 15, 2024 «On Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Public Authorities on Bosnia and Herzegovina» (Zakon No. 18/24 o sprečavanju sukoba interesa u institucijama na nivou Bosne i Hercegovine),(Bosnian).
Anti-Corruption Bodies
Administrative Control and Transparency Authority (هيئة الرقابة الإدارية والشفافية), (Arabic/English);
Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Centre (مركز حكم القانون ومكافحة الفساد), (Arabic/English).
Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and the Coordination of the Fight against Corruption (Agencija za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije), (Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/English);
Special Department for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption, the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Posebni odjel za organizirani kriminal, privredni kriminal i korupciju), (Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/English).