Criminal Code: Articles 241, 242, 257, 261-264
(Kazenski zakonik: Članek 241, 242, 257, 261-264), (Slovene);
Liability of Legal Persons for Criminal Offences Act
(Zakon o odgovornosti pravnih oseb za kazniva dejanja), (Slovene);
Public Employees Act
(Zakon o javnih uslužbencih), (Slovene);
Integrity and Prevention of Corruption Act
(Zakon o integriteti in preprečevanju korupcije), (Slovene), (English - amended 2020).
Federal Decree Law No. (31) of 2021 concerning Crimes and Penal Code: Article 66 – Liability of Juristic Persons, Articles 275-287, (Arabic);
Federal Decree Law No. (49) of 2022 on Human Resources Law in the Federal Government, (English);
Cabinet Resolution No. (48) of 2023 concerning Executive Regulations of Human Resources Law in the Federal Government), (English).
Commission for the Prevention of Corruption
(Komisija za Preprečevanje Korupcije), (Slovene/English);
National Bureau of Investigation
(Nacionalni preiskovalni urad), (Slovene/English).
1. Abu Dhabi Accountability Authority, (Arabic/English);
2. Economic Security Center of Dubai, (Arabic/English).